Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic


“Because when I shop, the world gets better. The world is better. And then it’s not anymore. And I need to do it again…”

I could so relate to those lines. Of course, not with shopping. With eating maybe. Maybe with shisha too. OMG. I’m a shishaholic. Pfft! As if that’s anything new! :P

I just finished watching Confessions of a Shopaholic. It was pretty entertaining, as far comedies go. I don’t think I know anyone in real life who’s a shopaholic. I know I’m not one. I have ONE pair of wearable jeans which I bought like 2-3 years ago. Sad. If anything, I need to be dragged out to shop. And man, is it that easy to get credit cards in the US? I know it’s not so easy to get one here. I want a credit card of my own! But only for buying things online that I know I can’t get here. Like UNCENSORED ORIGINAL DVDs!

Anyway, the treat of the movie was, of course, Hugh Dancy. I forgot how dreamy he was :) I couldn’t find a stillshot from the movie which he looked good in on the net. These are the best I could come up with.

Hugh_Dancy hugh-dancy-2

Yes, I know, these pics are not related to the movie whatsoever, but trust me, he looked absolutely delicious in the movie. I think the best he has ever looked out of all the movies I’ve seen him act in (I have actually only seen him in Ella Enchanted, The Sleeping Dictionary, Blood and Chocolate, and Black Hawk Down) Go see the movie and dream over how dreamy Hugh Dancy is :)

P/S The whole time I was watching the movie, I kept on asking myself how in the world Borat got a girl like Isla Fisher to marry him. Hahaha.

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