Friday, August 22, 2008

Camp Rock Hottie

I finally watched the new Disney movie, Camp Rock. It's not bad. Not bad at all. At least Demi Lovato's singing voice isn't as annoying as Vanessa Hudgen's. Huhuhu. Not that I have anything against Vanessa. I just think her singing voice can get annoying at times. But I really like Demi Lovato's voice. The songs she sang in the movie weren't that bad either.

Camp Rock


Anyhoo, HOTTIE ALERT!! Ladies, I present to you, JOE JONAS of the JONAS BROTHERS! He's 19 (I've got to stop falling for these young guys!) and he's yummy! Loved it when he was singing his song to her by the lake. Loved it when he sang with her at the end of the movie. SING TO ME~!



P/S Is there anyway I can go back and change the YEAR I was born in? Say.. maybe 5 years later? Hee Hee Hee


Anonymous said...

yeah, I've found that I have been perving on younger guys recently too. The other day at Devi's, with Nadia, there was this really cute 'boy' *literally*, he must've not been older than 17, that we kept on staring at. We was uber shy and thus a bit awkward, but that just made him cuter. And we were staring at him shamelessly, which made him even more malu. Adorable! Such a paedophile *sigh*

Anonymous said...

P/S: Skinny jeans on guys definitely AIN'T hot :P