Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009!

redboxsantaYu-Yun and I with Chinese Santa at Red Box :)

I know this is like 5 days late, but MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, as I surely did. My Christmas weekend was awesome! Recap!

Thurs, 24th Dec

  • Christmas potluck party at work where Teacher D dressed up as Santa and we had tons of amazing food! Think lamb lasagna, baked macaroni, trifle etc...
  • Christmas Eve Party at my most beloved Venezuelan couple's apartment. Dragged J.Sum and Mustakey along. Again, had tons of food. Croquetas and roast chicken and chicken salad and I can go on and on and on... I had way too much food, so much so that I actually fell asleep during the party. Hail the sleeping queen! It didn't help that Mr. Venezuela kept on poking my nose to wake me up. Oh, and remember that Mr. In-Your-Face who kept pestering me about giving him my number? He was there, but kept his distance. Hehe. I guess he learnt his lesson after all :p
  • Left the party around half past midnight. To go where, u ask? CASTLE! Our favorite pastime, smoking shisha :)

Fri, 25th Dec

  • Hmmm... My mind's a little hazy as to what we did on Christmas itself... Oh, right! Went shisha again, this time with Lawyer Chick and her Small Big Bro. Called up Killa and Yu-Yun. Was only supposed to be the 5 of us, but a whole lot of other people came. Ended up being a full house with like 12 people. But fun, as always :)
  • Christmas Sleepover at Lawyer Chick's abode!

Sat, 26th Dec

  • Went to Rock the World Concert at Bukit Jalil. We were there EARLY! Lawyer Chick's friend's band, Kyoto Protocol (heck if I know if they're environmentally conscious or not) was one of the first bands to perform. They were good, though, I have to give them that. Had some awesome HATI BAKAR! Huhuhu.
  • Went to watch Cirque de Freak: The Vampire's Assistant. Wasn't a completely bad movie.
  • Shisha again afterwards with Mustakey's clan.

Sun, 27th Dec

  • Watched Sherlock Holmes. It wasn't bad, but I was sorely disappointed in the fact that I fell asleep during the climax of the movie. I guess they spent too much time on building the suspense that in the end I just got tired of it. LOL.
  • Shisha with Mustakey's clan again. This time one of them brought poker chips and we played poker! I won the first round. Of course, we didn't play with real money. Kinda wish we did now. LOL.

So, like I said, busy, busy Christmas weekend. I think I've blogged quite a lot on this LOL. Until New Year's!

P/S My christmas presents: a photo frame, an Edward Cullen T-shirt (which I was slim enough to wear today, and did), a Stila lipstick, a cat mug, and 2 decks of Cognac Copag playing cards. Not a bad haul considering I don't celebrate Christmas :) love you guys!
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Thursday, December 3, 2009

I Went To Cat Heaven!

Today I opened my browser to youtube, and this is the video that was featured. It was soooo cute that I watched it over and over again for at least 6 more times. Hehehe. Calling all cat lovers!

Friday, November 27, 2009

I christen thee… WTF?!

I got my car! I got my car! Look how beautiful it is! And Tangerine Orange toO! I love it! Check out the plates too! I’m loving them! I am giddy and happy and in  love :)


Friday, November 20, 2009

Dye Samurai Die!

Getting myself a hair pampering session at the salon.
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Today’s Special: Fried Fish Served ALIVE!

Apparently the Chinese have found a way to fry a fish AND keep it alive at the same time. It even keeps it alive WHILE BEING EATEN! Watch the video below to see how disgusting people can be :(

P/S Any chance these people could be arrested for ANIMAL CRUELTY? And ENJOYING animal cruelty? WTF, right???

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Don’t Want To Give You My Number MEANS I Don’t Want To Give You My Number!

No means no well maybe if i'm drunk - USD18 close up

but I don’t drink,
so I’m never drunk :)

I was at a party last weekend and I got hit on by a guy. It wasn’t pleasant or nice or anything of the sort. The guy was the in-your-face type and was coming on slightly too strong. So he asked for my phone number and I said no (he looked like he couldn’t believe I had just said no to him). Then he asked if I wanted HIS phone number, to which I said no… again. You know, you’d think a guy would get the hint (what with being rejected twice in a row) and just move on. But not this guy. He came back a total of two times. The final time I said no to him (as I was leaving the party), he said, and I quote: “How cowardly of you”. Dude, I rejected you NUMEROUS times to YOUR FACE. I’d say I’m ANYTHING but a coward.

Here are some tips for guys when it comes to asking for a girl’s phone number:

  1. Make sure the girl’s into you. If she doesn’t seem to be flirting back, MOVE ON!
  2. When a girl says she doesn’t want your number, it means just that. She’s not playing hard to get. Trust me.
  3. When she says she doesn’t want your number, don’t be stupid by coming back and asking her for her number again. Waiting a few minutes won’t make a difference, unless you can miraculously transform yourself into Gerard Butler (300 version) in that span of time.

P/S Just found out from The Journalist that the last time she was at a party with the aforementioned guy present, he hit on her. Sheeesh, how desperate do you have to be to be hitting on every female in your line of vision?

P/P/S I prefer shy and reserved guys :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Paranormal Activity

Just saw the official trailer of the much talked about movie, Paranormal Activity, and I must say… I WANT TO WATCH IT!!!! Doubt that will happen anytime soon though since it’s a low budget movie and is only playing in the US and Canada. Damn those Americans and Canadians. I’ve heard a lot of good reviews for this movie. Apparently it’s the scariest movie ever made in the last 20 or so years. BRING IT TO MALAYSIA! Check out the trailer below.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Already Gone

"We were always meant to say goodbye... You know that I love you, I love you enough to let you go..."

~Already Gone, Kelly Clarkson~

I am gasping for air, for breathing has become an ordeal... I am drowning...

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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Busy Busy October

Last day of October. I’m gonna miss it. It’s been a great month, albeit all the hectic. Let’s recap October:

1. My first month as a full time instructor at ELS.

2. Got my first full time instructor salary.IMG00218-20091028-1629 
3. Went on my first ELS Trip with students to KLCC Sky Bridge.

4. Turned 25 on the 25th.

5. Weekend road trip to Melaka with amazing friends for my birthday.
6. Those three small words.

Didn’t celebrate Halloween. Maybe next year. Will have some good shisha with some students tonight. Happy All Hallow’s Eve everyone! :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Worst Morning Ever

1. Didn't get enough sleep and woke up late.
2. Got into a bit off a tiff with the mother which involved her stopping my laundry in the middle of the wash and taking my wet clothes out of the washer just to spite me.
3. Accidentally cut my finger on a razor pretty badly.
4. Tripped over the phone on the way down the stairs.

Note: All this happened before 7am. My life is so amusing.
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Monday, October 5, 2009

Wheeee! Oops! Time to Get My Work Face On :)

Hah! So updating my blog through my phone works! Yay me! Now I don't have to wait until I get home to blog. Blackberry rocks! I am definitely in love :)

Today is officially my first day as a full-timer at work. Gotta be hardworking at all times! I'm teaching 3 hours this session with a 2 hour LTC time. Frankly, I'm quite relieved. I think I'd probably die if I had to teach 5 hours straightaway. Huhuhu. Alright. Enough blogging. Back to work! Hi ho! Hi ho! It's off to work I go! :)
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Blogging Through Blackberry

Testing out my blackberry to see if I can blog from here. Cross your fingers!
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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Zoo and Crosswords

Yesterday was a very busy day for me. Went to visit MuffinMan at the hospital in the morning. The guy was down with Dengue Fever and did not look like his usual upbeat self. (The horrible fro-like hair didn’t help either :P).

After spending some much-missed time with MuffinMan (and getting some tips from his mom on where to get good Nasi Kerabu), E and I left to go to the Zoo. That’s right. THE ZOO! Entrance fee was RM20 per person, and since I wasn’t smart enough to bring a camera, we had to buy one of those one-time use camera for RM30. Bye bye money. Huhuhu. We saw some pretty cool animals. FYI, I did not know porcupines were huge!

DSC01265 In the car after a fun-filled day at the zoo :)

Later that night, I hung out with Psychedelic Diva. Hung out with her the night before and realized just how much I’ve always enjoyed hanging out with her and how I’ve missed it. She’s the ONLY person from Convent Sentul that I actually keep in touch with in person. We spent last night shisha-ing at Castle, getting high on Mountain Dew and racking our brains over some crossword puzzles. Next on our to-do list is SHOPPING NEXT SATURDAY! Hah! I’m actually excited about a shopping outing!

Psychedelic Diva having a psychedelic crosswords moment? :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Aidilfitri Achievement 2009 – Disappointing!

Ketupat Count: 15

I am sorely disappointed in myself. Only 15 ketupats this year? Man… I’m losing my touch! Hopefully I’ll be able to eat more than 15 ketupats next year. Gambarimasu!

On a different note, the highlight of this year’s Aidilfitri for me was not the food nor the feel of Aidilfitri. It was our (my 2 sisters, my cousin, and I) attempt to take pictures of ourselves jumping in the air… IN BAJU KURUNG! Here are two of the best shots we got:

Note: Can you see my flying shoe? Hee Hee Hee.

P9200833 This one’s awesome coz our uncle, Pak Ngah, happened to be passing by, and we were like “Come jump with us!” and HE DID! LOL!

Of course, Aidilfitri wouldn’t be Aidilfitri without our tradition of taking silly pictures of ourselves :)

P9200757 1st day of Aidilfitri…

P9210888 2nd day of Aidilfitri…

P9210886 BUT… in reality, we actually do look nice when we’re not making dumb faces :)

Oh, did I mention that we took our cats along with us for balik kampung?

P9140681 P9190701 P9190703

Of course, when you’re in the rural area, cats aren’t the only animal you’re going to encounter…

P9190731 Centipede… (A dead one. My dad killed it.)

P9210901 Leech… (My mom had an ingrown thumbnail and her finger was filling up with puss, so my dad found a leech to suck it all out. It worked!)

Well, that just about sums up my Aidilfitri this year. How was yours? :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

101 Things Removed from the Human Body

I posted a video of one of the 101 Things Removed from the Human Body on my facebook page and it got A LOT of response. So, I thought I’d share it here and see what you guys think :) Check it out below.

One of the 101 Things Removed from the Human Body

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Malaysian Muslims Disrespect Hindus by Desecrating a Cow

For this, I am ashamed of my race. How can we condone such disgusting behavior? Protest all you want, but desecrating another religion? That is low. What’s more, this is happening during Ramadhan! Think this is going to give Islam a good name? Hell no! If anything, this has set us back a few hundred years. Thanks a lot IDIOTS! For everyone hurt by this shameful behavior, I am truly sorry :(

Sunday, August 23, 2009

To Both Bitches Back Home…

Kenit is pissed off. Hahahaha! Ernie and I were totally ROTFL!


Taylor Swift – You Belong With Me Parody

Lots of LOLs! I cracked myself up watching this video! Watch it NOW! But if you haven’t seen the original video yet, click HERE first.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Today’s Lesson

Today I learned that…

You should make sure you’re not a virgin before you get turned into a vampire. Hymens regrow when you’re a vampire. It would be a pain in the ass to have to break your hymen every time you have sex.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


DSC01057I graduated! WoOHoO! Finally! All that hard work finally paid off! WheeeEEE! Goodbye UPM! Thank you for everything! Real world, here I come! :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Must Musing

I love how the foreign students refer to a young person as “baby”.

Me: How old are you Makar?
Makar: Seventeen.
Aleem: He’s a baby, teacher.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Surrogates – Official Movie Trailer

Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow! How have I not heard of this movie before?! Just saw the movie trailer and it looks amazing! Totally plausible too! Can’t wait to see it :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Today’s Lesson

Today I learned that…

You should always make sure the color of your underwear matches the color of your pants. That way, if you suddenly find yourself with a gaping hole in your pants by your crotch, (like I did today at work!!!!) it wouldn’t be so obvious.

P/S Having a cardigan to tie around your hips helps too!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Today’s Lesson

Today I learned that…

When you’re driving and you really, REALLY need to pee, DO NOT drive on bumpy and potholed roads!

P/S Screaming at the top of your lungs does not lessen the need to pee. True story.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Case of the Octopus?


This has got to be one of my most favorite photos ever! It looks like we’ve all got diarrhea… and at the same time trying to impersonate an octopus. Actually, the octopus is just Lawyer Chick. Hehe.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


On Monday, a teacher was absent so I had to substitute her class. I even prepared a lesson and everything. I always come to class prepared. What kind of a teacher would I be if I came to class unprepared right? Heh. You’d be surprised at how many of those teachers we have working at schools all around Malaysia

Anyway, the class I subbed was a 2 hour class, and Mr. Douglas, the Centre Director decided to observe me teaching the class. That was scary. I mean, he was the CENTRE DIRECTOR! But, class went on smoothly. In fact, he said I did very well considering it was my first time and everything. Yay me! WheeEEE! He said he could see that I was less confident when it came to the grammar bit (it was the usage of some/any. Trust me. It gets confusing huhuhu), but that I handled myself pretty well. Yay again! He said I had good rapport with the students. Yay! He said I used the white board well and that my writing was neat and that everything was organized. Yay! Basically he said a lot of good things about my teaching! Triple thousand YAYS! Muahahahha!

God, I love this job! Cross your fingers and hope that they offer me a full time job there after I’m done with the internship!

work3Happy Me after a successful lesson!

work4 Goddamn! I’m cute! Hahaha!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Of Mosquitoes and Work

An update on what’s been happening in the past week:

  1. Infected with Chikungunya
  2. Severe joint aches and super high fever from Chikungunya
  3. Severe joint aches and high fever subsided
  4. Started internship at ELS Language Center PJ
  5. Sat in the different ELS classes to observe how teaching is done there
  6. Developed rashes – a symptom of Chikungunya
  7. Swollen feet and fingers – another Chikungunya sympton
  8. Got assigned my first sub class for Monday
  9. Teaching Practice results came out -
    • Major: A, Minor: A = 3.5 GPA.
  10. Feet and fingers still swollen. Makes me feel fat.

work Me, on my way home from my first day of work :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Must Musing

Why? Why do people feel the need to ask me when I plan on getting married? Why? Why? Shouldn’t their question be “Are you seeing anyone?” And if my answer to that is yes, only THEN should they proceed to the marriage question. But NOOOOOO! They go straight to “When are you getting married?” Seriously, is this some sort of conspiracy to remind me that I’m getting old? I’m not even 25 yet! GRRRRR!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bitter Heart – Zee Avi

Amazing song by Malaysia’s very own Zee Avi. Completely addicted to this song right now! And apparently this song is being used by a Walmart commercial in the US. Even better, there are already covers of this song by different individuals on youtube. You go girl!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

SMK Meru’s “Jalan Sempit” Video

I’ve uploaded the video of SMK Meru’s winning theatrical debut at the Pertandingan Teater KOMSAS Daerah Klang 2009. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sweet Smell of Victory for the Thespians of SMK Meru!



Back Row: Dolah, Munirah, Saihah, Syazwan, Sabihah, Munirah2
Middle Row: Pak Leman, Aznan, Pa’an, Kamal
Front Row: Murali, Tuk Penghulu, Ah Chong, Joyah

Today Mimi and I accompanied SMK Meru’s team of thespians and crew to compete in the KOMSAS High School Theater Competition Klang District Division 2009 at SMK Dato Hamzah. This was SMK Meru’s first attempt at a theater competition and it was a big deal to them.

We performed “Jalan Sempit”, a play found in Antologi Anak Bumi Tercinta Tingkatan 3. Only 4 schools competed – SMK Dato Hamzah, SMK Meru, SMK Rantau Panjang and Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah (KISAS) -- and out of those 4 schools, 3 schools did “Jalan Sempit”. We were the first to perform. Everything went by smoothly, except that some parts of the play were skipped due to obvious reasons. It was, by far, one of the students’ best performance. We were truly proud of them.

Then the other schools performed. SMK Dato Hamzah’s interpretation of their Tuk Penghulu and Murali was awesome :) Didn’t like SMK Rantau Panjang’s version of “Jalan Sempit” at all. Everyone sat behind tables, and that restricted their movements by a great deal. KISAS, the only school that didn’t choose to do “Jalan Sempit”, chose to do “Sri Nara” instead. They looked AMAZING! Their props were well done, their costumes looked expensive, their make-up was better than every one else’s, AND they used sound effects. But don’t ask me what the play was about. All I know is that at the end of it, the Sultan named the place Johor Darul Takzim. Hee Hee. Anyhoo, despite all that, KISAS did not manage to snag any of the top 3 spots due to some actors wearing glasses in an era where glasses haven’t been invented yet, and also because characters other than the Sultan were wearing yellow when in those days the color yellow was only worn by royalties.

The winners are the following:

1st Place   : SMK Meru
2nd Place : SMK Dato Hamzah
3rd Place : SMK Rantau Panjang

Best Male Lead Actor: SMK Dato Hamzah – Tuk Penghulu
Best Male Supporting Actor: KISAS - (damn.. can’t remember the character’s name… So obvious I wasn’t paying attention hehe)
Best Female Lead Actress: SMK Meru – Sabihah
Best Female Supporting Actress: SMK Meru – Joyah
Best Director: SMK Meru

That’s 3 wins in individual categories AND winner as a whole. Pretty good for a first time, eh? Mimi and I trained these kids from the beginning till the end and we’re DAMN PROUD of them! State Competition, LOOK OUT! :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hysteria – Demonic possession or just seeking attention?


Yesterday while I was supervising the theater rehearsal at school, we suddenly heard a female scream. There was a commotion in the hallway just outside the main hall where the students involved in the theater competition were having rehearsals. Upon hearing the scream, all of us went to look at what was going on. Turned out a girl was having a fit of hysteria. In other words – Demonic Posession!

Now, I’m a skeptic when it comes to these things. I’m not saying that I completely reject the idea of the supernatural. I believe in ghosts. And I’m certain demons exist too. But I am pretty skeptical when it comes to these so-called “hysterias”. Why am I so skeptical, you ask? Let me tell you why…

  1. In Malaysia, why does it only happen to Malays and not to people of other races? Or more specific, why does it only happen to Malay Muslims and not people of other religions? Don’t give me that crap about those people not being in the right religion. What are you saying? Being a Muslim makes you more susceptible to being possessed by demons? If that is the case, it doesn’t really put Islam in a good light now, does it?
  2. Why does it always seem to happen to FEMALES? I have not once heard or seen of a man in a fit of hysteria. I would like to see one. That would definitely be interesting.
  3. Mimi knows of someone who pretended to be possessed by demons (have a fit of hysteria) for the sake of attention. Now how do we know that most of these s0-called hysterias are not just some sort of ploy to get some attention? I know it’s hard to believe, but some people are just THAT sad and desperate.

Now, when I hear of people getting all hysteric and stuff, I immediately think “Attention Seeker”. Take the girl who had a fit of hysteria yesterday. In the 3 months I’ve been at the school, she has had 3 cases of hysteria. That is ONE hysteria fit EACH MONTH. And when I helped carry her thrashing self to the surau, I heard her mom say that this kind of stuff happens to her when she’s around A LOT OF PEOPLE. Hmmm… Interesting… Don’t you think that if a demon were to possess someone, they’d do it privately where no one is around to thwart its attempt? Why do it in front of tons of people and be stopped? Again… Interesting.

Also, if any of you have seen The Exorcism of Emily Rose (which was inspired by a true story), the hysteria cases I’ve seen (including yesterday’s) was nothing like it. The Exorcism of Emily Rose was SCARY! If I saw anything like that, I wouldn’t have had any trouble believing that it was the real thing. But the hysteria case I saw yesterday only had a girl thrashing on the ground and screaming. Kids do it all the time you know. I do it too whenever I’m having a nightmare :)

What do you guys think?

P/S She was heavy to carry because she was a big girl and she was thrashing around on the ground, not because there was a demon inside of her. Pffft. If you don’t believe me, I’ll thrash around on the ground right now and you see if it’s easy trying to pick me up and carry me somewhere else.

P/P/S Don’t get me wrong. I believe in demonic possessions. Just not the ones I’ve witnessed.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Secret Admirer?

I was out with Muffinman and Ernie tonight at a shisha place in Gombak when I noticed that I had a misscall from an unknown number. So I called that number. It turned out to be one of  the students from the school, although he wouldn’t tell me his name or which class he’s from. He said, “Tu secret… secret admirer!” LOL. My very own secret admirer. As long as he doesn’t start stalking me, I’m flattered :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Most Productive Day :)

Today has been a most productive day because…

  1. I managed to get my super lazy class, Form 4I, to behave AND participate in today’s lesson. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, did their work. I’m so proud of them. And myself too hehe.
  2. I spent some quality time with a few students from another class of mine. Listened to them. Gave some advice (Hah! I’m qualified to give advice! I feel so old!). Had a nice chat. Even sang Miley Cyrus’ “The Climb” with them. I’m so fun :)
  3. Gave up my seat on the LRT for a woman with a baby. Ended up standing with a heavy bag AND a laptop bag (yes, there was a laptop in the laptop bag) for a full 40 minutes the whole way to Gombak.
  4. Spent some time with Bahasa Baku Man, who is actually starting to sound more local now. Should I call him Lawyer Dude?
  5. FINALLY went to Kinokuniya and bought Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin AND The Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope. Wheee~! More Mr.Darcy for me~!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Oh my! Mr Darcy!


Finally got around to watching Pride and Prejudice. How have I not seen it before? How have I not read it before? It’s brilliant! I was squealing throughout most of the movie. Haha. I guess it’s been awhile since I’ve experienced a good romance – on screen AND in real life.


And Mr Darcy! My goodness! I fell in love with him as soon as he appeared. Reserved, aloof and awkward with the ladies. LOL. So endearing! And he totally defied his family (his aunt) in choosing to be with Elizabeth Bennett. Wish more Malay guys would have some backbone like that. And they wonder why I haven’t dated a Malay guy in a long time. Pfft!


Will definitely get the book as soon as I can. It will go into my collection of books of which I live vicariously through. A girl needs some romance in her life. And if she doesn’t have any, she can always turn to her books to assure her that true love does exist :)

P/S The handsome Mr. Darcy is played by Matthew Macfadyen.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Evil Twitter!


NOOOOOOOOO~! I now have a Twitter account! Yeah… I caved. God, I’m so easy! Anyway, if you feel like following me there, here’s the link