Monday, May 17, 2010

Quotable Quotes

“Ultimately [I] want someone who you can pal around with and also be intimate with. Someone who can laugh at your jokes. It may sound cheesy, but someone who can be your best friend as well as your love.”

-Jensen Ackles on his dream woman-

So one guy said something in the lines of this to me:

“A guy doesn’t want a best friend. He doesn’t want someone to play video games with. He wants a girly girl. He wants a girlfriend.”

But now we’ve got Jensen Ackles saying the opposite?! Gah! Why must men be so confusing!


HaoG said...

Hi Blodyn,

Sorry for the randomness. My name is Howard. I'm currently an MBA student at National Taiwan University working on a cross-cultural master thesis on "Change in blogger motivations over the blogspan." If you have time, would you please help me fill out the survey in the following link. Your 10 mins will make a major contribution to my study.

In order to express my gratitude for your participation, A PRIZE DRAW FOR A "4G USB DRIVE" will be held once the research is finished. Sorry, I wish it's an iPad too. x( Thank you for all your kindness. I truly appreciate it!

If you have any question, please feel free to contact me at

Survey Link

Best Regards,

Jasmine Bee said...

I feel you babe! everytime a man opens his mouth im confused.!