Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Big Potato Blow Out

  1. Things you need to know before you read on:
    There is a guy at work who likes to make stupid and gross (albeit funny) sex jokes at work. One day, he did a finger gesture to the girl sitting next to him. The girl’s reaction was a disgusted face and the remark, “Eewww! Gross! You look like a potato!” because in reality, he does have an uncanny resemblance to a potato.
  2. The Potato hates me (though he won’t admit it if you ask him) ever since I became close friends with the Sutton. Frankly, I think he’s got some sort of man-friend crush on The Sutton… *shivers*

Now, the story….
I had to make a teacher’s duty roster for Friday’s graduation. The Sutton thought it’d be funny if we added “The Potato” in bracket beside The Potato’s name (his real name, which shall not be mentioned in order to avoid further humiliation to the potato’s part, as well as a means of preventing another possible Big Potato Blow Out).

Anyhoo… The Sutton did it. I warned him that The Potato might get mad, but he thought it’d be funny. Let’s face it, it is kinda funny. So The Sutton made his little change, and I let him print it out.

The next day, The Potato was not happy. He ignored The Sutton. Unfortunately, he didn’t ignore me. He called me over and started shouting his potato ass off to me. Ordering me to change the duty roster. Yelling about how it was inappropriate behavior. Ummm.. I’m sorry, but weren’t you the one who’s always making sexual jokes in the office? What a hypocrite. Oh, wait, that was different? How so? Pfffft!

The Sutton tried telling The Potato that it was all his fault and I wasn’t to blame, but he just yelled at The Sutton to shut up, turned back to me, and kept on yelling and yelling and yelling. The whole office heard and all was quiet. I was quite angry myself. Wanted to smack him in the face. Why only blame me? Why not blame The Sutton and I equally? I’m telling you, it’s the whole I-Hate-You-Coz-You-Took-My-Sutton-Away-From-Me scenario. He just needed a valid reason to hate me.

It was The Big Potato Blow Out. Very messy. Although, doesn’t it make you think about potatoes and barbeques? Mmmm… Yummy :) Hehehe.


Kelli said...

HAHAHH!!! Girl that seriously cracks me up. I dont really even kno you, but I can definitley hear your voice in this post.

You better keep us updated with this Potato bizness!! lol

Anonymous said...

blodyn said...

Hey Kelli. Glad u liked it :) I'm proud of it (the post) myself. Reminds me of how much I love writing :)

T. said...

Sexual jokes in the office is a totally different case because you can be fired for sexual harassment..duh :P

ctfadzlin said...

mari nyanyi lagu ini:
mR potato...bluek!!

giler phsycho!nk buat die giler lagi..amik kentang busuk,letak kat kerusi die..yek!busuk! :P