Thursday, March 18, 2010

The World's Best and Worst Lovers

World's Best and Worst Lovers... According to the result of a poll which sampled women from 20 different countries...

World's Best Lovers:
1. Spain
2. Brazil
3. Italy
4. France
5. Ireland
6. South Africa
7. Australia
8. New Zealand
9. Denmark
10. Canada

World's Worst Lovers:
1. Germany (too smelly)
2. England (too lazy)
3. Sweden (too quick)
4. Holland (too dominating)
5. America (too rough)
6. Greece (too lovey-dovey)
7. Wales (too selfish)
8. Scotland (too loud)
9. Turkey (too sweaty)
10. Russia (too hairy)

Click HERE to read the full article!


Harris said...

Hey great site! i like your hangry word haha. Check out my blog too if you have time.

Daily Male said...

It would be interesting to see if this ranking changed throughout the year. You could then plan your holiday travel to those countries in the season for love.

Nate Conrad said...

It seems that this posting is some sort of a personal justification thingy... Trying to convince yourself of something, Ira? :)

Fashion Nicotine said...

Haha, I'm not suprised by the top 3 best lovers, but I'm suprised by the top worst lovers...

blodyn said...

Nate, does it bother you that your country is in the worst lover list? :p

Nate Conrad said...

This is a bullshit survey. Check out the durex survey which comes out every year. It constantly rates Americans as being the MOST SATISFIED with their sex lives - also, Americans, by far, have sex the most frequently... Google it if you don't believe me.

Rough? Whose answering your survey? Snow White? Come on...