Thursday, December 18, 2008

Today's Lesson

Today I learned that...

When you take a puff of Shisha and blow it into your Iced Tea through a straw, you get smoke filled bubbles!

Awesome! Haha!


mimie_t said...

gotta try that one day! hehe

Anonymous said...

hi..oic dulu masa kf study kat polijb dulu selalu join hisap sisha nie..masa tu member clasmate kf yg bukak premis sisha tue..tapi tak smpi sbln tutp kedai..abis asyik2 muke kf dgn member yg dtg hisap free aje...(almaklum kf just lepak2 aje x hisap pun)..saje full table itu trick nk tarik customer..hehhehe

epol said...

interesting..hehehe (leh cuba skali) :p