Friday, May 2, 2008

A Recipe for World Peace

My friends and I were talking last night while sipping mint tea and smoking some shisha. We had one of our "philosophical talks". Selective participants only :) Ms Journalist mentioned that the Venezuelan ambassador had told her that the way to achieve world peace was to have inter-everything marriage. Inter-religion marriage (or is it inter-religious? *shrugs*), inter-racial marriage, etc..etc.. Basically Jews should marry Muslims, Blacks should marry Whites. So if a war ever occurred, it would cause hesitations and confusions.

"Muslims rock! I'm gonna kill you coz you're Jew! Oh wait, I can't kill you. You're half Muslim." *scratches head and puts gun down*

The idea is that with more and more inter-everything marriage, pretty soon everyone would be a mix of something, making everyone equal. Equal means the same. Therefore there would be no hatred towards people who are "different", as there would be no such thing. Hehe. A bit of a stretch, but hey, that could happen :)

Then the Sudanese Thinker came up with his way of achieve world peace. The recipe is as follows:

1) Another Hitler
2) Instead of poisonous gas chambers, laughing gas chambers are put to use.
3) Atomic bombs are replaced with Prozac and Xanax bombs.

We had a good fun with the discussion. I mean, hey, at least no one will get killed with the Sudanese Thinker's recipe for world peace :)

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