Sunday, November 11, 2007

2 Girls and 1 Cup

I was checking out for my updates on the celebrity gossip world when i found a clip of perez doing a parody on something called "2 girls and 1 cup". Then I found another clip this time featuring john meyer doing a parody on the same topic. So, being the curious creature that i am, I typed it up and googled it. A website came up. I clicked on it and I found myself watching the most disgusting clip I've ever encountered in my whole entire life. The clip starts of with 2 girls making out with each other. Then it moved on to a close up shot of one of the girls POOING (and yes, i mean POOING), into a cup held by the other girl. Then guess what they did afterwards? They started playing with the POO (yes, POO, feces, stool, whatever u want to call it). What do I mean they "played" with it? They licked it.. Ate it.. Then purposely threw up all over each other. Good God, have mankind gone crazy? POO! Completely unsanitary! These people need to get themselves to a good psychiatrist. *shivers* I wonder what other insane things people are capable of nowadays.

1 comment: said...

'2 girls 1 cup'

now you can have a funny, cryptic version of it
on a shirt, hat, mug, button, magnet, sticker,
or more from:

****** ******

own a piece of the latest viral video craze.