Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm Lickable?

So, I just checked my myspace account, and got this message from this dude who seemed normal until he said he wanted to lick me. That's right. LICK. He wants to LICK me. Wtf right? Sheeeesh! Talk about weird people online! Here's his message:



Unknown said...

Well, there are ways of being honest, and then there is that certain someone who makes you lose your senses. I have acted foolishly in my life, and said things I regret, but somehow I doubt this lad would regret his words, since I doubt he feels he did anything wrong.

Anonymous said...

ofc you are lickable, I always told you so ;) :-P

Anonymous said...

lol...amir's funny. Well, people do have different tendencies, but he might have been a little too blatant on the "licking" thing. I guess it's a compliment in some odd fashion...enjoy it, lol.

Korega(too lazy to sign in)

Aznyda said...

he wants to lick you? wtf. this is some maniac having mental disorder or something.

u take care babe. =)