Friday, November 27, 2009

I christen thee… WTF?!

I got my car! I got my car! Look how beautiful it is! And Tangerine Orange toO! I love it! Check out the plates too! I’m loving them! I am giddy and happy and in  love :)


Friday, November 20, 2009

Dye Samurai Die!

Getting myself a hair pampering session at the salon.
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Today’s Special: Fried Fish Served ALIVE!

Apparently the Chinese have found a way to fry a fish AND keep it alive at the same time. It even keeps it alive WHILE BEING EATEN! Watch the video below to see how disgusting people can be :(

P/S Any chance these people could be arrested for ANIMAL CRUELTY? And ENJOYING animal cruelty? WTF, right???

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Don’t Want To Give You My Number MEANS I Don’t Want To Give You My Number!

No means no well maybe if i'm drunk - USD18 close up

but I don’t drink,
so I’m never drunk :)

I was at a party last weekend and I got hit on by a guy. It wasn’t pleasant or nice or anything of the sort. The guy was the in-your-face type and was coming on slightly too strong. So he asked for my phone number and I said no (he looked like he couldn’t believe I had just said no to him). Then he asked if I wanted HIS phone number, to which I said no… again. You know, you’d think a guy would get the hint (what with being rejected twice in a row) and just move on. But not this guy. He came back a total of two times. The final time I said no to him (as I was leaving the party), he said, and I quote: “How cowardly of you”. Dude, I rejected you NUMEROUS times to YOUR FACE. I’d say I’m ANYTHING but a coward.

Here are some tips for guys when it comes to asking for a girl’s phone number:

  1. Make sure the girl’s into you. If she doesn’t seem to be flirting back, MOVE ON!
  2. When a girl says she doesn’t want your number, it means just that. She’s not playing hard to get. Trust me.
  3. When she says she doesn’t want your number, don’t be stupid by coming back and asking her for her number again. Waiting a few minutes won’t make a difference, unless you can miraculously transform yourself into Gerard Butler (300 version) in that span of time.

P/S Just found out from The Journalist that the last time she was at a party with the aforementioned guy present, he hit on her. Sheeesh, how desperate do you have to be to be hitting on every female in your line of vision?

P/P/S I prefer shy and reserved guys :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Paranormal Activity

Just saw the official trailer of the much talked about movie, Paranormal Activity, and I must say… I WANT TO WATCH IT!!!! Doubt that will happen anytime soon though since it’s a low budget movie and is only playing in the US and Canada. Damn those Americans and Canadians. I’ve heard a lot of good reviews for this movie. Apparently it’s the scariest movie ever made in the last 20 or so years. BRING IT TO MALAYSIA! Check out the trailer below.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Already Gone

"We were always meant to say goodbye... You know that I love you, I love you enough to let you go..."

~Already Gone, Kelly Clarkson~

I am gasping for air, for breathing has become an ordeal... I am drowning...

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